Vegan Suugo Suqaar

Somalia has a very interesting food culture due to their long standing maritime and colonial history. The Indian Ocean Trade during the Middle Ages has influenced Somali cuisine by introducing Middle Eastern, Indian, Chinese, and Southeast Asian spices to this nation. In the late 1880s Somalia was under Italian control which brought European foods to Somali dining tables. This recipe demonstrates the cultural influence of Indian spices with the Italian Ragù on one plate. Suugo Suqaar is typically made with ground beef but this vegan friendly recipe uses Textured Vegetable Protein instead. Suugo is cooked like your average pasta sauce but the added flavor of Blackbird's Xawaash (ha-wash) will knock your socks off. This meal is warm, earthy, and as comforting as a homemade dinner by a loving Somali grandmother. Serves 2



Aromatics + Cooking Oil:
3 tablespoons Cooking Oil of choice
1 medium (6oz / 170g) Yellow Onion, peeled & diced
½ red or green Bell Pepper, seeded & diced
1 pinch (⅛ tsp) Pure Kosher Salt

Fresh + Dried Seasonings:
2 Garlic Cloves, peeled & minced
1 teaspoon Pure Kosher Salt, or to taste
2 teaspoons Somali Xawaash Spice Blend, or to taste

½ lb Ground Meat Substitute:
1 cup (90g) Textured Vegetable Protein (TVP)
1 cup (240ml) Hot Water

For Stewing:
1 can (14.5oz / 411g) Crushed Tomatoes

For Service:
½ package (8oz / 227g) Dried Pasta of choice
1 handful Cilantro Leaves, washed & chopped
2 ripe Bananas (optional)
  • Boil water for pasta and hydrate TVP. Read pasta packaging instructions to determine how much water you need to boil. Once the water comes to a boil, place 1 cup of dry TVP in a medium heat proof bowl and pour 1 cup of boiling water over the granules. Stir and set aside (TVP is ready to use with in 5-10 minutes or when it absorbs all the water).
  • Cook pasta. Add pasta to boiling water and cook according to package instructions. Set aside until service.
  • Gather and prepare aromatics. Transfer diced onions and bell peppers into a medium size heavy-bottomed pot. Add a pinch of salt and 3 tablespoons of light olive oil. Set the pot on the stove until you are ready to cook.
  • Gather and prepare garnish. Wash and roughly chop cilantro leaves. Set aside until service.
  • Gather and measure seasonings. Place minced garlic, kosher salt, and Xawaash in a pinch bowl. Set aside.
  • Open canned tomatoes. Set aside.
  1. Sweat the aromatics. Turn on your stove to a medium heat and begin to mix the aromatics with the oil. Once the pot is hot and the oil begins to sizzle, the onions and bell peppers will release their natural juices. Continuously stir and sweat the aromatics until the juices have evaporated. This process is done when onions are soft and translucent without developing any color/browning.
  2. Add all the seasonings. Stir until the seasonings are fragrant (about 1 min.) (This process allows the natural oils in the seasonings to release and amplify the flavor of the spices.)
  3. Add hydrated TVP. Keep stirring until TVP begins to sizzle in the oil. (The longer it cooks, the more flavor you'll develop, but If it starts to stick to the bottom of the pot its time to move onto the next step.)
  4. Reduce heat to medium-low.
  5. Add canned tomatoes. Stir and scrape up any bits off the bottom of the pot. Simmer for 10-15 minutes (uncovered) until tomatoes have stewed and the desired sauce consistency is achieved.
  6. Turn off the heat.
  7. Taste and adjust seasonings. Adjust the flavor of the sauce to your liking by adding a little more salt or Xawaash.
  8. Serve. Plate Suugo over pasta, garnish with cilantro and serve with a banana on the side Somali style.
  9. Enjoy!

How to substitute ground meat with TVP.

  • 1 cup (90g) Bob's Red Mill TVP + 1 cup (240ml) Hot Water = ½ pound of Ground Meat